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Why AG?

This is a question you may be asking yourself. You may be new to the Christian faith or have spent your childhood and/or early adulthood years in a different church or denomination.

You might worship with us each Sunday while being unsure what our Assembly of God affiliation involves and represents. Whatever the case, we are glad that you are with us and want to help you understand what it means to be part of an Assembly of God church.

How Did It Start?

The history of the Assembly of God is a remarkable testimony of the grace, mercy, and glory of God. What started in the early 1900s as a revival in California among a small group of Pentecostals, has now grown into a worldwide fellowship with over 57 million adherents. This revival, widely known as the Azusa Street Revival, was defined by the restoration of biblical spiritual gifts. The baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues, became one of the defining marks of the growing Pentecostal movement. While this movement was largely confined to the south central United States, the Azusa Street Revival propelled Pentecostalism before a worldwide audience. As the revival rapidly spread, many Pentecostals recognized the need for greater organization and accountability. Early in 1914 the founding members of the Assembly of God met to promote unity, determine doctrinal positions, obtain legal standing, and establish a ministerial training school. It is from this meeting the Assemblies of God was established.

Why the AG Exists

From the very beginning, evangelism and mission work has been central to the identity of the Assembly of God. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the AG adherents and leaders have made it their mission to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. The Assembly of God is committed to evangelizing the lost, worshipping God, discipling believers, and showing compassion.

What It Means For Us

Abundant Life plays a part in the Assembly of God’s mission to spread the gospel both locally and abroad. As a church we provide financial support to missionaries, who are positioned all over the world, that have been commissioned and sent out from AG fellowships all over Ohio.

We also adhere to the doctrines and beliefs expressed in the AG document titled Statement of Fundamental Truths. It is our aim to promote unity at Abundant Life among those whom God has called to be his disciples by asking our members to submit to those doctrinal positions. It would be impossible to be in unity if all of our members held varying beliefs regarding biblical truth.

The leadership the Assembly of God provides to its adhering churches serves as a safeguard against heresy and unbiblical teaching in the local church.

Without involvement in such a fellowship, Abundant Life could go astray and there would be no safe way for its members to prevent such a tragedy. The Assembly of God fellowship provides unity and protection while giving members of a local church the opportunity to be discipled and participate in God’s mission of reconciling a lost world to himself.

Our Worship Services

When we gather to worship at Abundant Life, being an Assembly of God church means more than having an AG logo on the sign in the front yard. We believe that the Holy Spirit will use our members to edify our church body. The gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 9) are still present in the church today and are welcomed to be exercised under the loving, caring, and watchful eye of our elders. We desire that all believers seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit so they can be empowered for ministry. As a member of Abundant Life, you will see both these convictions firsthand in our worship services.

Jesus Plants Churches

While Abundant Life has seen many pastors, leaders, and members come and go, one Person has always been present. We believe that Jesus planted and continues to sustain an Assembly of God church in Hardin County.

He has given us these grounds to provide a Spirit-filled witness of the gospel to our community and become equipped to reach the world both locally and abroad. We must remain faithful to what Christ has started on these grounds.

What Is Your Part?

Would you, as a part of God’s work at and through Abundant Life, prayerfully and biblically seek the Lord for your part in our church? As we seek to participate in the AG’s mission, you have a role. The Holy Spirit has given you a gift to help advance the glory and Kingdom of God. You can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a witness to unbelievers. At Abundant Life Assembly of God, your life matters!


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