"Boring by Design"
TEXT: Rev. 2; 1 Cor. 1:10
1. Human life consists of both exciting and mundane moments. This is equally true regarding our spiritual life and growth. Much of what we do to feed our souls and grow closer to Jesus will not be overly exciting (at least not in the usual way we consider something to be exciting). There are assuredly memorable moments of growth and transformation in our spiritual journeys, but the bulk of what grows our souls gets deposited in the mundane, or boring, moments. We must remember to press in and connect even during the ‘boring’ moments of worship and service to our Lord.
2. Just as God’s people grew bored of manna and grumbled for the meat they consumed while enslaved in Egypt, all of God’s children face the temptation of becoming “bored” with the gospel and advancing the Kingdom of God.
3. If we make the mistake of assuming that the Christian faith deals primarily with what one believes, then we will turn the worship of Jesus into nothing more than entertainment. We will be tempted to turn the worship of Jesus into something that is dictated by personal preferences, vanity, and selfish ambition.
4. Meditating on heaven is a healthy practice that can produce many blessings in the mind and life of a believer.
5. If takes prayer to rightly understand what the Word of God is communicating to humanity. Gleaning truth from the Bible is often a lengthy process that requires patience and prayer.
1. What is healthy way for God's children to handle the seemingly "boring" moments of corporate worship and spiritual life? How should we face these moments so that we don't miss the impact that they should be having on us?
2. The gospel of Jesus is the most important and exciting message to ever be proclaimed. How/why do Christians become "bored" with something so majestic and grand?
3. What blessings could come as a result of rightly meditating on heaven?
4. There is real effort involved in receiving spiritual revelation and insight. Why do you think God created it to work this way? Wouldn't it be better if the process was quicker and easier?
Pray as you feel led concerning the following areas:
- Rightly understanding and participating in the "boring" moments at church
- For the reality and promise of heaven to infuse life into our souls
- That we wouldn't long to go back to Egypt