"Apples and Oranges"
TEXT: John 4:34,6:27; 1 Pet. 1:13-23; Lev. 6:14; Rev. 3:17; Mal. 3:12
1. Each local church is intended to be "holy.". And what makes a local church holy—the people who gather there. The hearts and intentions of redeemed people sets apart (or makes holy) the local church from social clubs, businesses, and organizations. We gather as a family, dependent upon each other and our Heavenly Father. That level of dependance is necessary in order for personal transformation to take place for every believer. This requires believers to examine their hearts to ensure that they are not “against” their brothers and sisters in Christ. If the hearts of people are against one another, it doesn't matter how grand and impressive the aesthetics of a building are, it is not holy in the Lord's sight.
2. Jesus “knocks” on the door of local churches, desiring to “eat” with those who gather there. This implies that there must be “food” in the house. The Word of God uses seemingly complex symbolism to illustrate a simple truth—the Lord will only manifest Himself in a local church where there is humble, mutual submission to one another. He reveals His holiness as we view and treat others as holy. We are called to love God and love others, creating houses full of brotherly love in which the presence of God can manifest and carry out His will.
3. Every child of God must consider and seek to understand the difference between the ‘common’ and the ‘holy’. What in our lives is holy, and what in our lives is common? If we fail to discern the difference between the two, it opens our lives up to the curses rather than the blessings of God.
4. What is the healthiest view for a believer to have as they commit themselves to the local church the Lord has directed them to? To ensure their spiritual growth and contentment, each believer needs to understand that they need God and other believers. To assume that the path of sanctification can be walked alone is a deceptive and dangerous lie.
5. God expects earthly fathers to set a healthy example concerning what it looks like to have and live with an eternal perspective.
1. How can individual believers equip themselves to ensure that their local church is a holy place?
2. Discuss the nature and characteristics of 'brotherly love'.
3. What are some possible "guidelines" for discerning what is holy and what is common?
4. How do we model what it looks like to have an eternal perspective in our daily lives?
Pray as you feel led concerning the following areas:
Humble dependence upon the Lord and other believers
Discernment concerning what is holy and what is common