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Writer's picture: ericleerisnerericleerisner

Rhythms Sermon Recap from 4.29.18

"Honored Creation"

TEXT: Pro. 31; Acts 2:17; John 19; Gen. 3:15



1. The Word of God teaches that a husband is the ‘head’ of his wife much like Christ is the ‘head’ of the Church. This represents the specific authority and role that God has given to males. The Bible also specifically honors women and their respective role. Overall, we see the Bible proclaiming the unique beauty of each gender role. It is revealing that the two roles are different but are of equal importance.

2. The Bible honors women in Acts 2:17 when it mentions that our “daughters will prophesy.” What God used male prophets, priests, and kings to do in the Old Testament, is now accomplished through all people (both male and female, both young and old, etc.). God desires to use all His children to proclaim the gospel and to complete good works.

3. Corporate worship is not about any one individual, but rather the focus is on the gathered body of Christ. Meaning, it is normal for a person to like and/or dislike specific aspects of a worship service. But we must remember, when we gather for worship, it is not primarily about our personal likes and dislikes. We gather to worship Christ in humility, preferring one another above ourselves, with our minds and hearts focused on what benefits the body rather than just what benefits ourselves.

4. You don’t want to come to church to be heard, you come to church to hear God.

5. Jesus honors the role of women down to His dying breath. He makes sure his mother, Mary, will be taken care of following His death (which He works out with John while dying on the cross). We also see the Godhead honoring femininity in the way they bring about the redemption of humanity. Just as woman was used in the fall (with Eve being deceived), woman is used to play a pivotal role in redeeming that fall (Jesus being born of a virgin). Jesus is clear in establishing that although the roles of men and women are different, they are both of equal and precious importance.

6. Children and grandchildren need a ‘teacher’ and a ‘prayer warrior’ in their lives. And femininity must influence and fulfill those roles in some capacity as we endeavor to pass the faith on to the coming generations.

7. “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy (Proverbs 31:8-9).” Remember, we were asked to meditate on these verses throughout the week. Allow these verses to “bounce” around your thoughts in the following days and pray that the Spirit of God would bring wisdom, application principles, and revelation to you.



1. We heard several examples concerning how the Bible establishes, honors, and affirms the role of women this past Sunday morning. Can you think of other Scriptural examples that illustrate the same truth(s)? What are other biblical examples of God honoring femininity? What are they and how do they honor women?

2. Why must corporate worship be about something greater than our individual likes and dislikes? Everything else in our culture seems to work this way, why isn't that a good methodology for the Church of Jesus Christ?

3. How do you hear God at church (during a corporate worship service)?

4. Take a moment to consider how God has used the role of femininity to impact your spiritual journey. Briefly share a testimony concerning how the Lord used a woman of faith to impart truth to you personally. What thought, person, or act do you immediately think of when reflecting upon how Christ has used godly women to help sanctify you?

5. What first comes to mind when considering what it includes to open your mouth (Truth 7)?



Pray into the following areas:

  • Thankfulness for the faithful women of God that have been deposited into our church

  • For the Spirit to raise up teachers and prayer warriors (using both masculine and feminine roles)

  • That we would honor and prefer one another above ourselves; a spirit of graciousness to abound

  • Wisdom and revelation to come as we meditate on Prov. 31:8-9


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