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Writer's picture: ericleerisnerericleerisner

Rhythms Sermon Recap from 4.29.18

"Living the Blessed Life"

TEXT: Deut. 28; John 4:23-24



1. A significant pattern emerges in the Bible as it records God making covenants (7 times) with His people and their offspring. The fact that “your offspring” or “your children” are mentioned as each covenant is issued should pique our curiosity and steer us to seek to discern what the Lord is intending to communicate to His people.

2. There has been a variety of disagreements throughout Church history regarding how the Church of Jesus Christ should interpret the Word of God. While some of the doctrines that are commonly debated naturally lead to division—which, in part, sorts out the true from the false—many of the doctrinal issues that the Church has wrestled with have led to unnecessary divisions. There are many doctrines that the children of God may not necessarily see the same way, and as long as a particular interpretation of the Bible doesn’t force one to commit idolatry, God has seemingly “made room” for us to view and interpret His Word from different perspectives.

3. This past Lord’s Day we discussed many of the doctrines in which the Church of Jesus Christ seems to have become deeply divided over. Many of the terms and names used to describe those doctrines represent a clearly defined, rigid, and systematic theology that was introduced to the Church through a particular preacher or movement of God. And with each of those movements or interpretations, there were believers who didn’t quite see it that way. And to be honest, there were tenderhearted, faithful, and humble believers represented on both sides (and still are).

4. There is a “peaceable-ness” related to the truth. Deception produces confusion, angst, and anxiety, and it directs us to blame others for our problems, which in turn, isolates and divides the people of God. But seeking and receiving the truth will lead to peace, clarity, and contentment. Furthermore, the truth drives us to deeper relationship and levels of care with the family of God that the Lord has placed us in.

5. It is troubling that Christendom has produced so much division and arguments here in America. And if you listen to all the ‘noise’ that is being produced by Christians who have doctrinal differences and different interpretations of God’s Word, it causes one to wonder, “Do they just care about being RIGHT?” And while there are some issues with a clear right and a clear wrong, most of our arguing is childish and immature because it is simply impossible to know for certain that the position you are arguing for is correct (especially concerning the end times).

6. What is the “cheat code” for faithfully and truthfully serving Christ? Is it anxiously pouring over the systematic theologies of ‘famous’ preachers in the hopes that we will be enlightened enough to figure out who was/is right? Is the cheat code to simply find a Christian personality we like and adopt all their teachings?

No, the cheat code is connected to our worship. We have been created to worship and hear the voice of our Creator. If you will focus on pursing His voice, with a humble and right heart, you will find that your life becomes filled with the blessings and presence of God. God’s children are not focused on picking everything right, we are consumed with knowing God.



1. What thoughts does Truth 1 fill your head with? Without trying to "nail down" what God is saying through this, why should this reality fill our hearts with hope?

2. It seems like the Church would be in better shape if we all believed the exact same thing. But that does not seem like how God intends for His Church to function. Why would God allow such differences and distinctions among His people? What should it produce in a local church?

This past Lord's Day we were asked to consider the answer to the following three "cheat code" questions:

3. What does it mean to be honest with God?

4. What does it mean to be honest with yourself (as it relates to your relationship with Christ, His Word, and His Church)?

5. Do you want a real relationship with the God of the Bible? How can one discern if they are rightly seeking after a relationship with Jesus?



Pray into the following areas:

  • That the desire to know God would outweigh our desire to be right

  • To earnestly desire the truth

  • That differences would teach us to love one another instead of causing division

  • For God to revive our church and awaken our community


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